When I first began my approach to 2016, I dubbed it the ‘year of the half marathon.’ I had registered for a half dozen at the start of the year, and had big plans of knocking a few challenges off my list. I already listed out which races I did, but in looking back at the medals that I gathered over the year, I realized that I definitely had my favorites, and some that I’ll cross off the ‘been there, done that’ list. Here are some of the highlights.
My biggest goal for 2016 was to get the Rock N Roll Marathon series Southern Charm medal. Last year, it was in the shape of a jar of moonshine and was so flippin’ cute. The rocking chair for this year was initially met with some disappointment on my part (I didn’t realize the shape would change every year), but now that I have that heavy, shiny, medal in my possession, I love it. Add to it that it also means I earned the Double and Triple Beat medals (still waiting for my Triple Beat in the mail so it’s not pictured), made it even more worth it, but to then top it off with Savannah, the third race I needed to complete to qualify for it also happened to be my first full marathon? Well, it’ll be hard to top this collection of medals going forward. But I will say that my next favorite is easily…
Destination Races Virginia Wine Country Half medal. It’s a wine coaster. How cool is that? It can even detach from the ribbon. I’m excited to run in the Destination Races series again this year in the Napa to Sonoma race, though I’m debating doing another one just because they’re so fun. If you want to run for wine, you can get $10 off your registration by using the code ‘DRAMBNEWTON’ on any destination half marathon except for Napa to Sonoma, which is sold out, or the 10k.

Wine Coaster medal from DR Virginia Half Marathon
I also love our local Tir Na Nog 5 mile race series and how their medals this year linked together. If you completed both the St. Patrick’s Day run and the Oktoberfest run, the two pieces are magnets and connect in the center.
The race that never happened? Apparently there always has to be one. Last year it was the dreaded Color Run. #neveragain This year it was Esprit de She which was cancelled due to weather. Last year the race had similar issues and they ended up dropping the 10k option and just making it a 5k. This year, they told us at the start line that it wasn’t happening. Totally frustrating and it was absolute chaos leaving, but we were able to get our medals from the volunteers. My girlfriend and I promptly went straight to the Y and ran our 5k on the treadmills. We then passed our medals to each other and ran out to the car in the rain. Crisis averted, but sadly after having been burned by that series two times now, we won’t be registering for it again in 2017.

My collection of medals from 2016
As you can see, there were so many other medals and other memorable experiences, as well as races that didn’t pass them out so they’re not pictured. But I’m looking forward to some new races next year. I’m doing some different distances and challenges including…
The Krispy Kreme 5 mile challenge. Run 2.5 miles, eat a dozen donuts, then run back. All in under an hour. Totally doable, right? Ok, I’m nervous about the donuts… and the vomit that so many people have told me about. Just look up and inhale with your mouth…
The Tar Heel 10 miler. This is another first for me but I’m excited by one of my favorite distances. Usually in a half, by the time I pass ten miles, I’m itching for the finish line. But 10 miles? I’m just getting warmed up. Ha! Well, we’ll see, but I’m also an ambassador for that series. Use ‘TH10CHRISTINE’ for $5 off the registration for either the 4 or 10 mile race.
And of course, let’s not forget that I’m about to do the Disney Goofy Challenge next weekend. This might be my craziest goal yet, but I’m excited to cross it off the bucket list… and then never do it again. 😉
Here’s an overview of my fastest race times in 2016:
5k: Gigi’s Cupcakes 27:16
Half Marathon: Bull City Race Fest 2:09:41
Full Marathon (ok, only): Rock N Roll Savannah 4:46:02
Now to work on my next PR times for 2017!