Wow, I really knocked out a lot this week! I filmed my video assessment for my Mossa Power certification, on Friday I found out a 10k I ran last year was this weekend, so I decided to sign up for it again, and then got in all of my other classes, practice sessions, training runs, hung out with the family, went to the mini-state fair type local carnival, had a pool party, and worked a typical crazy week… I’m feeling accomplished but ready for a nap. And no, I still have not watched ANY of the new Game of Thrones season. I think it pains my husband that he can’t talk about it, but I swear I’ll get to it eventually!

So, in order of operations of a couple of the bigger items:
Ever since taking my Mossa Power 3-day certification class at the end of March, I have been practicing to film my video assessment. In order to be a certified instructor, you have to film yourself teaching the class to a group of 5 or more people. I already teach PiYo, so I’m familiar with learning choreographed routines, and I’m a regular for our Sunday afternoon Power class at my Y. But the process of learning this strength training program and then being recorded with several peers and friends in attendance frankly made me sick to my stomach. I was so nervous. I definitely suffer from stage fright and while teaching has definitely gotten me out of my secure little shell, this was causing me major anxiety. I set the date for the recording, secured some friends to be participants, and practiced every chance I could. Overall, I’m really pleased with how the class went. I had a couple of hiccups at the beginning while my nerves sorted out, but nothing major that I couldn’t recover from. Now to submit the video and wait for the results!

On top of that, I had a 7 mile long-run planned for the weekend. I was feeling confident after a challenging workout earlier in the week, and I caught wind of a race that I enjoyed last year that was taking place again this weekend. I decided to sign up for the 10k as a way to push myself a bit, and hold me accountable to meet my run pace for my distance. I was able to find a couple of members from the North Carolina NC Volee that were already signed up, and convinced a couple more friends to join in.

The course is through Umstead State Park, which you may know from my other posts as being pretty hilly. The majority of the run is on the bridle trail with trees lining the way. It was beautiful and though it was a hot, Spring morning, the trees and shade help cool it down. Nothing could be done about the big hill at the end, but we pushed up it and I beat my time from last year by two minutes.

You know I love a good list, so I love checking off my daily workouts through my Endure Strong Final Surge app. It’s been easy to adjust my schedule as needed in advance of a busy week, and check in with my coach and team on how to approach some workouts or any changes to my plan. And looking ahead has me excited for some upcoming speedwork. This week in particular I have 3 x 1 mile intervals at my 5k pace, with a short rest in between each. I also get to switch up my strides for a fartlek run on Friday. The biggest challenge is going to be 8 miles that I need to get next weekend while we are camping. Sometimes it’s hard to break away from the group, but I’m hoping to get it in early and hit up the Mountain to Sea trail which happens to connect to our campground.

Final Surge dashboard.
So that’s it! Ready to tackle another week. I had originally planned on getting my regular strength training class in today, but after the assessment yesterday, the extra practice days I had this week, and then running a race this morning, I decided to just take it easy. We are working on organizing some spaces in the house and floating in the pool the rest of the day.
EDIT: I’ve posted my review of the NCRC Classic 10k on BibRave. Check it out here.