Disclaimer: I received an Endure Strong Coaching Package to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!
My goal at the start of the week was to try to get back to normalcy with my workouts after being sick/dealing with my awful cough for the last couple of weeks. It really did derail my training and I had two weeks of mediocre workouts and runs. Thankfully, I was able to get back into a cadence with my workouts; lots of cross training and strength training. The only negative was that my running still isn’t up to par. When I am in my zone, I can hit a normal pace, but I frequently interrupt it with this pesky cough. I mean, it’s definitely an improvement from where it was, but it still is hindering my progress. My miles were nowhere near where I wanted them to be this week, reaching a total of just under 13.

Ultimately, I know that I need to be patient and keep chipping away at it. This upcoming week has 30 miles planned. While I don’t think I’ll get quite there, I’m setting a goal to do 25. In addition, I’d like to get 2 strength training sessions and 3 cross training sessions (which includes the 2 times that I teach PiYo this week). It’s a busy week with family in town, Little Fig has his last day of school for the year, and lots of year end parties for the kids. But the whole of June is pretty busy, so I really can’t let any of that stop my progress! It’s crunch time with this race being just over a month away! I have some major progress to make.

In regards to my overall health, my cough definitely has improved. I think this elimination diet has been so beneficial. I’ve had a few items that are on the ‘questionable’ list as a trigger and when I have had them (ex. garlic), I’ve felt some noticeable symptoms. It’s a little disappointing as it means that I now have to work on cutting back some things I really enjoy, but it’s also so nice to finally have answers as to what is causing some of my issues. I’m still in the baseline elimination period, but in theory, I should be able to start reintroducing foods again by the end of this week. I’m playing it by ear to see if I find any other problematic foods along the process as my throat is clearly not fully healed (understandable given how long I’ve had this cough). It pains me to say it (well, at least my cravings for normalcy), but I may take one more week before I start reintroduction.

Aside from that, life continues to go on! Work is busy, the kids activities are busy though starting to wind down slightly (at least Scouts is), and it’s hot and muggy out here in NC. It definitely doesn’t make these running goals any easier, but I’m optimistic that, come race day, Chicago will feel like a breath of fresh (non-crazy heat and humidity) air.
If you want more information on the Endure Strong Coaching program, check out their website to see the various training plans and coaching options in working with Jared Ward and his team.