As if last week couldn’t get any crazier, I spent all weekend getting additional certifications. So now, in addition to being AFAA group fitness certified, I am certified in PiYo Live and Schwinn classic indoor cycling.
When I first signed up for my AFAA certification, I also found that Raleigh would be taking part in the Empower! Weekend Fitness Celebration in June. I knew that I wanted to do PiYo Live, but after looking at the various course offerings, I decided to also do cycle certification. Running has been my ‘thang’ for the last year, but I couldn’t have kept it up if I wasn’t cross training with these two activities. While I was in the cycle certification class, we talked about the best types of exercises to compliment cycle (in terms of strength, flexibility, etc) and I was just doing a mental ‘check’, ‘check’ of how PiYo has helped me to cross train for my cardio heavy workouts. I do still incorporate all over strength training classes, functional fitness, and interval classes into my routine, and I love to mix things up, but I know more core focus has really been on running, cycle, and PiYo with the other stuff thrown in depending on my schedule.

Arriving at Lifetime Fitness in Raleigh bright and early for my certification courses.
Saturday morning, I showed up to Lifetime Fitness in Raleigh bright and early. My PiYo Live Master Trainer was Kara Buono and she was ah-mazing. She gave us an intro to PiYo and how it has evolved over time, and I met a great group of ladies who had varying levels of knowledge of the program. Some had been practicing it regularly as PiYo Live, some had just finished a Beachbody Challenge Group of the at-home program, and others had just heard of it but had never actually taken a physical class for it. Then Kara taught a PiYo Live Master Class that kicked our butts! It was so much fun though I was dripping sweat the whole time.

Some of my study materials during the PiYo Live certification.
Afterwards we broke down parts of the class, went through individual moves, and then broke into groups to ‘teach’ our peers sections of the program. It was great practice and helped us to develop awareness of what we needed to focus on and tips on how to remember various parts of each class section.

Class breaking out to work on various sections of the program.
We ended the day by going up in front of the class, giving a brief overview of ourselves, PiYo, and then taught a section of the round to our classmates.

With Master Trainer Kara Buono at the end of a busy day.
Sunday was an even earlier morning and I have to say that everything hurt. My legs, glutes, and core were SO sore from Saturday. The thought of hopping onto a bike was not really appealing but I was excited to get a better understanding of indoor cycling.

Cycle room pre-certification
Our Master Trainer was Keli Roberts who came in from California to teach us. Similar to Saturday, we went through the training manual and learned the fundamentals of cycle. From every aspect of an indoor bike, to properly fitting class participants, and the overall components of a cycle class. Both the core and the ‘frame.’ It was so interesting and what could have easily been ‘dull’ material was fascinating. Keli also took us on two great rides that left me drenched in sweat.

Keli demonstrating proper bike fit.
I met some more awesome people with all levels of cycle class experience. By the end of the day, my lower body was ready for a break but I felt so good overall. I couldn’t wait to get home and play with the kiddos, but then also work on everything I learned over the weekend. It was an early night so I could get some rest but not before I worked on a little PiYo and reread some of my cycle class info.

With Keli after a sweaty ride and productive day!
Now, I’m officially certified, I just need the practice teaching and leading classes! My friends have been so supportive and have been offering to be guinea pigs, and my PiYo challengers are going to get some firsthand practice sessions, even if just virtually. My next fitness event isn’t until DCAC in August, but it was just a great feeling overall to be surrounded by likeminded individuals with a passion for these various fitness programs. Once again, I’m excited to dive in!

I’m now a member of the ProTeam for PiYo Live as part of my certification.