
There’s a spring in my step

March 4, 2016

Today is a big day. I’ve officially surpassed the 100 lb weight loss point since the birth of my baby boy in January 2015.  I have gone from a size 22 (XXL) to a size 6 (S). I have never felt stronger or healthier.


During this time, I have gone from being exercise adverse to a fitness junkie. I love trying all of the different classes and programs at my gym and at home on Beachbody. I have changed the way I eat, and my family eats healthier for it. My husband and I meal plan every week, and we plot out our schedule to coordinate our weekly workouts. He has also lost over 35 pounds during this process!

I have met so many amazing and supportive people. From friends that have encouraged me along the way, those that workout with me at the gym, go running with me on evenings and weekends, and my many fitness instructors and trainers at the Y.

I’ve had to find the right balance of food, exercise, and overall moderation without feeling deprivation. I’ve developed a love of running (who would’ve thought!) and have now run four half marathons, with four more scheduled for this year. I’ve constantly challenged what I thought I could do and accomplish. If you had asked me last January, I would have told you there was no chance I would do a triathlon or run a half marathon. Ever.

I’m really proud of myself and I’m so thankful for my supportive husband throughout this process. I couldn’t have done it without him, and I’m looking forward to continuing this healthy journey with him.

‘Set a goal so big that you can’t achieve it until you grow into the person who can’

– Unknown

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  • Pat Evans

    Christine, congratulations on this monumental achievement. You have and continue to be a inspiration to all. Miss you!

    Pat Evans

    March 4, 2016 at 9:17 pm Reply
  • elstesting

    I’m in awe of you Christinie. I’m so proud of you and all you have accomplished. You’re super mama and you earn this!

    March 6, 2016 at 8:47 am Reply
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