I swear that things will mellow down at some point. This week, between activities with the kids, evening activities with friends, and just life and work in general, I was so ready for the weekend, only to have it also go by in a whirlwind.
Here’s how my workouts panned out this past week:
- Monday: Cycle Beat (morning), 22MHC
- Tuesday: Personal training (morning), Ramblin Rose training cycle & swim (evening), 22MHC
- Wednesday: PBX Endurance (morning), Sync Cycle (evening), 22MHC
- Thursday: Ramblin Rose training cycle, short run (morning), Zumba (evening), 22MHC
- Friday: PBX One (morning), 22MHC
- Saturday: Bootcamp Moms (morning), swimming freestyle laps for 40 minutes (had a swim lesson with the baby right after), 22MHC
- Sunday: 15 mile hilly run (morning)
On Saturday, I did a morning workout before heading off with Little Fig to the pool for his first swim class. My husband had our older toddler at gymnastics and then met me at pool for his first independent swim lesson. We went out to a local craft market afterwards and lunch, and then I was off to a baby shower for a co-worker.

My babies in their swim classes.
I was so exhausted by the time dinner and the kids bedtime routine was complete, I went to bed around 9pm. Way early for me. But I knew I had an early morning run on Sunday and wanted to be rested.
Sunday morning, I met with my girlfriend, Rachel, for a planned longer than normal run. We overindulged on amazing food at a party on Friday night and I had jokingly suggested doing a double loop at our hilly run spot. She said ‘let’s do it!’ and I knew I was in for an intense run – it would be my longest yet at around 15 miles.

Embracing my inner ninja turtle. Just call me Michelangelo.
Rachel was feeling under the weather but I was anxious to get this run over with… and to finally say I had run further than 13.1 miles. We did the first loop and as she was getting ready to split back to the parking lot, I suggested that she just join me for the start of the loop… and of course she couldn’t resist and joined me the whole distance. Ha!
It was tough, and I was ready to be done when we finally reached that parking lot, but what a satisfying feeling!
That afternoon, after everyone had some time to rest, we went to Rachel’s house where she has a few chickens as family pets. The kids loved playing with them and watching her kids expertly handle them. I had to leave early to head to a Junior League Raleigh event, and then back home to wrap things up in preparation for the workweek. I’m still not 100% sure of my early week workouts as I don’t want to overdo it after such a long run, but I’ve listed out some tentative workouts in my journal. I share the final list at the end of the week. In the meantime, here’s what our meal planning for the week of April 17th is looking like:
- Sunday: Leftovers (I had an event for the Junior League of Raleigh so it was leftovers for the family and I brought a pb&j and a banana for convenience)
- Monday: Savory Chicken (Bobby Deen recipe, didn’t get to it last week because we had leftovers instead), roast potatoes, asparagus
- Tuesday: Cornbread chili recipe from Trader Joe’s
- Wednesday: Panini’s and soup
- Thursday: Flatbread pizza
- Friday: Prosciutto, chicken, on TJs brown rice and quinoa pasta
- Saturday: Turkey burgers, corn on the cob, homemade mac and cheese
And that’s it! I have a lot of evening activities this week, but thankfully, most of them are at home. I’m going to try to do some runs during the week to work on speed work, but I’m trying to stay close to home so I can get caught up on life and hang out with the family a bit more. I feel like last week was a little too hectic for my liking so I want to make up for it with a slower pace this week.
What’s in store for your week? Are you trying any new meals or recipes for your meal planning?