It was a great weekend with family, with some gorgeous spring weather as a nice treat. I felt like we got a lot done, but also a lot of time with each other, staying pretty close to home.

Playing outside with the kiddos.
Saturday, I started with an early bike ride with my Ramblin Rose training group. We rode the race course and I beat my time from last year by 10 minutes. And that was just for our practice run – it makes me excited for race day. Afterwards, I rushed home to take Big Fig to gymnastics, then met up with the hubby and Little Fig at the pool for swim lessons. Then, lunch together and home for nap time. We all got a little rest, then we tested out my hubby’s early Father’s Day present: a bike trailer for the boys!

Afternoon bike ride and run as a family.
My husband loves riding but hasn’t been able to do it much with the two kids. The bike trailer was perfect and the boys loved it. I ran alongside them for the most part. We actually kept a good pace together. He obviously was much faster on the downhill, but I gave him a run for his money on the uphills! I’m looking forward to more weekend rides/runs as a family.

Putting Big Fig to work cleaning up the yard.
Sunday, I had a morning ‘long’ run with my gf Rachel. We kept it shorter, doing a 6 mile loop, but it was my first time doing a single track trail. I figured that I hadn’t really had a drop back week since Rock N Roll Raleigh but I still want to keep up my training for the Virginia half, so we just kept it to 6. The trail was great though and I might have a new love for trail running. I’m going to have to look into some of the other trails at Umstead to see what our options are.

Running through Umstead.
After that I went and played outside with the kids – the weather was incredible! Then, while they were napping, I did a free Cycle Bar class. We have a new studio opening up by us and they offered free classes to groups that I reached out. I contact them on behalf of my online weight loss/fitness group and scored us a class. A small group of us went and totally loved it. I don’t think I’ve ever sweat that much in a cycle class. They have some more free classes scheduled before their grand opening in a couple of weeks, so I’m excited to get some more time in there in the meantime. Then, it was dinner outside with some friends while our kids played together.

Sweaty selfie after Cycle Bar.
Overall, a great weekend, and the week ahead is still supposed to be gorgeous. Hoping to get some outside time in, though I have family coming in from out of town so my normal routine will be mixed up a little bit.
Here’s how my workouts went last week:
- Monday: Treadmill run and Total Body Strength class (morning)
- Tuesday: Some Zumba, followed by Ramblin Rose training cycle and run (evening)
- Wednesday: Treadmill run and Total Body Strength class (morning), evening walk
- Thursday: Ramblin Rose training cycle and run (morning)
- Friday: PBX, part of a trek class and Zumba (early morning start!)
- Saturday: 8 mile bike ride, 5k through the neighborhood with family
- Sunday: 6 mile trail run, cycle class
And this is what our meal planning is looking like for this week. Keep in mind, my mom will be in town so there will be some comfort food/home cooking going on! But I’m going to practice my portion control and throw in some healthier, vegetable sides.
- Monday: Turkey Marsala from Bobby’s Deen’s cookbook, homemade mashed potatoes (Yukon gold, 1% milk), and broccoli
- Tuesday: Panini’s and soup
- Wednesday: Mom arrives and she always wants Chinese food for her first meal in town. Kung Pao chicken, brown rice, some noodles and veggies.
- Thursday: Going to have my mom make me Filipino Chicken Adobo, brown rice, and some veggies
- Friday: probably homemade noodles and pork made by my mom
- Saturday: Taking the family out to dinner so will look at the menu ahead of time
- Sunday: Grilling! Turkey burgers, corn on the cob, grilled veggies