This was my last week of the Ramblin’ Rose training program at my Y, and the race on Sunday morning. I didn’t double up on workouts too often, and when I did I tried to make sure that they worked well together (like PiYo for some nice stretching and toning after a cardio heavy class). I also tried to get back into some regular weekday running as I felt like that had been missing from my schedule recently. It was nice to get back into it and I am excited to be done with the race so that I can get back into a somewhat regular workout routine.
My workouts last week were:
- Monday: Cycle beat class and PiYo
- Tuesday: Ramblin Rose training (swim, bike, run) and Zumba
- Wednesday: 5 mile run
- Thursday: Esprit de She 5k. Technically was cancelled because of bad weather but went to the gym and ran 3.1 on the treadmill to earn the medal
- Friday: 4 mile run, Zumba
- Saturday: 4 mile run
- Sunday: Ramblin Rose sprint triathlon

Most of my training group on race day. Getting ready to hit the transition area for our final setup prep.
The race itself went great! I was nervous as all of my recent races have been running… to the point where I’m usually not too anxious these days about race days. But for the triathlon, I had to plan for doing a swim time where I would have to rate my own ability level, and then the bike which just stressed me out… especially since I don’t have a road bike but my beach cruiser hybrid.
I ranked myself a 9 out of 10 in swimming. I thought I was being ambitious but that race day adrenaline would give me the push I needed. It turned out to be a good ranking. I was the second person to swim in the 9’s, and I didn’t have to deal with anyone tapping my foot or attempting to pass the person in front of me.
After the swim, I raced over to the transition area. I threw on my clothes (I couldn’t commit to getting a tri suit when I still don’t know how much I like triathlons at this point), and tried to get myself pulled together to bike. In the chaos, my bike fell over on me, but some bi-standers helped me pull myself together. I set off on the bike course.
I was close enough to the front that there were quite a few other racers on the road, but sadly, they all had road bikes and could get a lot farther with a lot less effort. That was definitely frustrating. I still flew past a few thanks to my training on the actual, hilly course, so all hope wasn’t completely lost! I sped into the final length of the ride and made awesome time for my last transition stop. Less than 45 seconds and I was on the 2 mile run. I was doing great, but got a stitch in my side after the first mile. I’m guessing dehydration, but I think I need to start looking into this as it’s been happening more and more on my runs. I told my husband to come to the course at 9am to catch me in time… well apparently I underestimated my speed as they were early but still only got to see my do my final loop, and they had just arrived when I was finishing up. But seeing them gave me the final boost I needed and I flew into the finish.
My total time for the race was 1:02:20. Last year, I finished in about 1:22… so definitely improvement! I’m really happy with my time and how the race felt overall, but I’m still on the fence on triathlons and if they’re for me. I might try to borrow a road bike to see if I can get used to the feel, because it just doesn’t seem worth it if I have something like that holding me back. But maybe I’m overthinking it.

Rambling Rose Raleigh 2015 vs 2016
Anyways, onto the upcoming week! Here’s what we have planned for dinner (a couple of nights done already):
- Sunday: Chicken bundles with leftover noodles
- Monday: Homemade lasagna made with hubby’s spaghetti sauce
- Tuesday: Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
- Wednesday: TJs tortellini with the last of the spaghetti sauce
- Thursday: Bobby Deen’s Goulash
- Friday: Pioneer Woman Chicken Marsala and homemade mashed potatoes
- Saturday: Date night with friends. Dinner TBD
How was your weekend? Any big plans for the coming week?
1 Comment
[…] Na Nog St. Patrick’s Day 5 mile race Rock N Roll Raleigh Half Marathon Run Like A Mother 5k Ramblin Rose Sprint Triathlon Destination Races Wine Country Half Marathon in Virginia Esprit de She 5k (race was cancelled due […]
December 17, 2016 at 3:44 am