Playing catchup

August 29, 2016

Life has been crazy in the last two months. I mean, it’s always busy. Two toddlers, both of us working full-time… but then throw in my recent certification, prepping to teach (practicing, building routines, memorizing routines, working on cueing, confidence, form, etc), auditioning and getting hired to teach, ramping up the boys Summer and then transitioning into Fall activities, training for my first full marathon… well, you get the picture. I might have bitten off more than I can chew, or I have certainly felt that way at times. But I do feel like we’re falling into a routine.


Work is still intense, but my family keeps me grounded. My fitness instruction and marathon training also surprisingly gives me time to think or de-stress, even if it sometimes causes me stress as well. I was a nervous wreck for my first few classes, but I’m so thankful for the practice time that I had and for the friends who have supported me along the way. They showed up to my classes and cheered me on, and gave me feedback about things they liked or what I could work on. I’m definitely feeling growing confidence in what I’m doing, and adjusting certain things as I gain experience.

Marathon training has been hard, but not quite as scary as what I would have imagined a year ago. Rachel and Heather have joined me on every long run as they’ll be there on race day in Savannah, too. But Stephanie hasn’t been out of the picture! We have made it a point to run together during the week – early mornings that feel awful at the time but so good when we’re done! She’s doing the half marathon so we’re working at getting her ready in time too, though the long run distances are a bit more than what she wants to sign up for at the moment (next year we’ll get her!).


I’ll fill you in on the other things that have been going on in separate posts since there’s been too much to recap in just one post, but for now, here’s a recap of my marathon training since week 2 back in July.

Week 3
Total miles 21.35
Long run miles 11.3
Cross training included PiYo, Cycle, and Bootcamp

Week 4
Total miles 19.82
Long run miles 8.21
Cross training included PiYo, Water Fitness, Bosu

Week 5
Total miles 22
Long run miles 12
Cross training included PiYo, Water Fitness, Strength, Intervals, and Zumba

Week 6
Total miles 11.8
Long run miles n/a… was at DCAC Fitness Convention all weekend
Cross training included Cycle, Water Fitness, then a whole lot of seminars at DCAC

Week 7
Total miles 21.4
Long run miles 14 awful miles
Cross training included PiYo, Cycle, Kickboxing

Week 8
Total miles 27.71
Long run miles 15.01
Cross training included Cycle, PiYo, Zumba

Week 9
Total miles 27.4
Long run miles 13.1
Cross training included Cycle, PiYo, Water Fitness, Zumba

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